For full coverage details
What areas do Sure Insurance cover?
Sure insures home and contents for mainland regional Queensland. From Maryborough to the Cape, to Mt Isa in the west, we offer insurance in the following regions: Maryborough, Bundaberg, parts of the Wide bay area , Rockhampton, Marlbourgh, Mackay, Proserpine, Townsville, Ingham, Cairns, Cape York, Mt Isa and inland regional Queensland.
If there is an embargo in force for your location ahead of a possible catastrophic event, new business policies and certain amendments to existing insurance policies will not be offered.
What is covered in my home and contents policy?
- Home – covers your building(s) and fixtures at the insured address
- Contents – covers your household goods and personal items
- Home and Contents – covers your building(s), fixtures, household goods and personal items.
Am I covered for cyclones, flood and bushfire?
For full details of what is covered please refer to the PDS.
Are there any exclusions for new policies?
We do not cover you for any loss or damage caused by a bushfire, storm or rainwater runoff (including cyclone), flood (including water runoff) or tsunami within the first 72 hours of your policy commencing unless you are renewing a policy with us, commencing a new policy with us at the expiration of another policy which covered the same risks or have purchased a new home.
For full details of what is covered please refer to the PDS.
How much should I insure my home for?
Your home sum insured is the amount you choose to cover your home. It needs to be sufficient to cover the cost to rebuild your home if it is totally destroyed as a result of an insured event, including any additional costs to comply with current building laws. It is your responsibility to make sure that your home is insured for its full current replacement value, including GST. When calculating the sum insured for your home do not include it’s land value.
For more information on what should be included in your home sum insured please refer to the PDS or go to our building sum insured calculator.
How much should I insure my contents for?
Your contents sum insured is the amount you choose to cover your household goods and personal items. It needs to be sufficient to cover the cost to replace all of your contents if they are totally destroyed as a result of an insured event. It is your responsibility to make sure that your contents are insured for their full current replacement value, including GST.
For more information on what should be included in your contents sum insured please refer to the PDS or go to our contents sum insured calculator at contents sum insured calculator.
What responsibilities do I have?
You must:
- keep your home and/or contents in ‘good condition’ as defined in the PDS
- take all reasonable precautions to prevent theft, loss or damage to any property insured under your policy.
- comply with all of the terms and conditions of your policy.
- provide us the information we request from you when making a claim under your policy.
- ensure that your home complies with all relevant local government and/or statutory requirements.
For further details please refer to Important Information in the PDS.
Why we don't promise to be the cheapest every time?
While Sure Insurance is dedicated to putting fairness first, we don’t claim to be the cheapest every time. What we do say is we’ll save customers about 20 per cent on their insurance premiums on average.
We base this analysis on 3,690 online new business home & contents insurance quotes collected in October 2023 for regional Queensland. Based upon the sample average, Sure Insurance was 20 per cheaper, but there were rare occasions when we were more expensive.
So why is Sure sometimes more expensive? Insurance fundamentally is the purpose of spreading the risk amongst a large number of policy holders with similar risk profiles over a period of time.
‘Similar risk profiles’, is one of the key differences we’re trying to achieve at Sure. Our goal is make the effort to risk rate your property based on your specific circumstances and those of your property. We’ll ask questions about your individual property, not just your postcode.
Take Townsville for example. We don’t see Townsville as one giant flood risk. In fact, our data shows 69 per cent of the houses in Townsville have a zero flood risk. That means we don’t charge 69 per cent of the homes in Townsville for flood as that simply wouldn’t be fair.
What this does mean however, is there is no cross subsidisation for those homes which are deemed to be high flood. While this is unfortunate for these people, we believe it’s fairer for the majority and is at the heart of our ‘similar risk profiles’ principle.
Because we’re committed to fairness, we don’t just forget about those in areas with higher risks, so we offer some substantial discounts if certain mitigation measure have been put in place. These include:
Up to 30% off the cyclone premium if you have had a full roof replacement, plus a further 10% off if you have installed cyclone shutters, plus a further 5% if you have cyclone ready roller doors and sheds.
Similar for flood mitigation, 20% off the flood premium if barriers have been installed, plus a further 10% if flood resistant doors and windows have been installed, and a further 5 % if anti-backflow valves have been installed.
Bushfire, 30% off the bushfire component for sprinkler systems and 5% for gutter guards.
We won’t always be the cheapest, but we do promise our customers fairness and transparency as we strive to challenge the status quo and proactively make home insurance fairer for regional Queenslanders.
How do I retrieve my quote?
Sign in at Sure Self Service. We have stored all of your quotes in one place, which will help you when you come to buy your policy. After you’ve signed in, you can accept a quotation to set up your policy.
How long is my quote valid for?
Quotes remain valid for up to 30 days.
Event Cover
What event cover is included as standard?
Sure provides automatic cover for cyclones and storms, including storm surge. Policyholders also receive automatic cover for flood and fire, including bushfire. If your home is unliveable or unfit to live in as a result of damage, immediate support can be arranged. This can include a ‘make safe’ which are temporary repairs to prevent further damage until an assessment of the damage can begin. We can help with temporary accommodation for up to 18 months, up to 10% of your sum insured and/or an emergency payment as part of your claim if needed. For full details of what is covered please refer to the PDS.
Do I lock my house up?
If your home has been impacted by a cyclone or flood, we recommend keeping your home well- ventilated to let it dry, but do not leave your home open when unattended. It is important to take a video or photo of any items which could become a health and safety hazard before throwing them out.
What should I do with perishable items?
It’s important to throw out any food exposed to floodwater, even sealed cans and jars and food, drinks or medicine that have been contaminated as a result of a weather event. Also dispose of any food contaminated due to a loss of power. Take a picture or keep a brief list of what you throw away.
What should I do with non-perishable items?
Non-perishable items will be assessed to determine if they can be repaired or need replacing. Barcodes, pictures or other proof of your loss will be required for your claim. If the item cannot be repaired or presents a health hazard to you or your family, it is important to remove or dispose of the item as soon as it’s safe to do so. Take pictures or a video of the property you have disposed of so that we can help settle your claim quickly and fairly.
What should I do with wet carpets?
When it comes to wet carpets, take pictures of the damage and tear off barcodes or cut out a small piece of carpet to keep for your claim before removing it from your home.
What about electrical items?
If your electricity, gas or water supplies have been affected – stay safe and engage an expert. Treat all electrical items with extreme caution making sure you don’t use electrical appliances that have been wet.
How do I change my credit card/ bank account details?
Call Sure on 1300 392 535 and we will update the details for you.
Policy Changes
Can I update my policy online?
We are constantly improving and will have this available soon. Until then, for all policy changes, please call Sure on 1300 392 535 and we will update the details for you.
Can I get a copy of my documents online?
Sign in at Sure Self Service, to see all valid quotes and view all copies of your policy documents.
How do I make a claim?
Simply lodge your claim online at sure-insurance.com.au/claims or call 1300 392 535
What happens when I make a claim?
To find out what to expect at each stage of the Sure claims journey from lodgement through to finalisation, please refer to the Customer Guide for Claims for more information.
What options are available for Temporary Accommodation?
Sure’s temporary accommodation benefit supports your recovery if your home becomes unliveable or unfit to live in as a result of an insured event.
To find out what options are available and how the benefit works, please refer to the Customer Guide for Temporary Accommodation for more information.
How do I renew my policy?
- Call Sure on 1300 392 535 and pay with your credit/debit card.
- Pay via your bank using BPay.
- We will send you details of your renewal prior to your due date to give you plenty of time to pay for it or update your details
- Or alternatively you can set up an automatic direct debit, which will automatically renew each year unless you tell us to stop.
Financial Claims Scheme
Financial claims scheme
Online fcs.gov.au; or
Call 1300 558 849.
Fact Sheets
Free Downloadable PDF Fact Sheets
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